cPanel-vh1 DOS attack, system temporarly offline.
Incident Report for Velocity Host Status Page
At approximately 7.39pm cPanel-vh1 was under what we believe to be a DOS or DDOS attack on the server.

We are still investigating what type of attack transpired.

(vh) Monitoring detected and alerted our team of high CPU 100%

Team members witnessed flapping of sites up/ down at this time.

Action was taken to disconnect network traffic from the server and proceed to log in via console to review further.

After a quick troubleshooting session a server reboot was initiated to clear CPU load and perform a data integrity check.

On system reboot a drive FSCK was performed to scrub and check data integrity on disk which prolonged the outage window.

Our primary concern at all times is data integrity as 1st priority.

The data scrub took longer than expected and once complete systems came back online.

According to our monitoring tools @ 7:52 Services had been restored.

total outage window 13 min.

Once we have more information on the type of attack we will provide further details.

Thank you.
Posted Mar 07, 2020 - 19:30 AEDT